Step-by-step instructions for setting up your garden

by Pam Mitchell

A step-by-step manual for setting up your own home food growing system. It’s not too late to start, even if it’s already summer!

Gardening-Workshop-2014 (pdf)

The Chia Farm

The Chia Farm

Feeding Writers at Hedgebrook Farm

by Cathy Bruemmer

With abundant sunshine and enough heat it has been a great year in the garden. I have the pleasure of tending the vegetable garden at Hedgebrook, a retreat for women writers. It’s a beautiful space with raised beds, flowers, fruit trees and vines. read more...

New Bees at Chinook

by Maggie Mahle
The mission and principles of care and connection that are the core of the Whidbey Institute are a distinctive fit. My deep commitment to land stewardship, and growing food in a healthy way for the community fueled our move to South South Whidbey

Simplicity – A Favorite Ingredient

by Wendy Dion and Dan Walker

We would like to share with you several of our favorite summer garden recipes. They are easy and beautiful. Simplicity is one of my favorite ingredients. I think we’re more likely to eat fresh veggies when we keep things simple

Why I Grow A Garden

by Joy Dennis

Every year I plant a garden. It is my hope that it will feed us and save money. Each year the garden looks different.   We have moved a lot over the past four years,  and every Spring we have been in a new


A Porch Garden

by Lynne and George Jensen

We grow a small garden on our deck and front porch to supplement trips to the Farmers’ Markets and local garden stands.  There are 4 tomato plants, 2 zucchini plants, pots of basil, dill, oregano and mint, as well as several read more...

The Language of Tomatoes

by Jodi & Steve Cable

September tells the story of the waning summer season in the language of tomatoes. This year there is a bowl of bright sweet yellow balls on the counter, with a few larger oval red and green ones laying to the side. read more...

End of Summer Herbs

by Val Easton

By about the third week of August, the sun slants at a different angle, the light changes, and the morning mists linger longer. I love my garden most as the weather cools, plants mellow, and begin their slide into winter. The garden settles read more...

Even An Owl

by Ann Cutcher, Medical Director for Enso House

The Tahoma (One Drop) Monastery garden is cared for by people from all over the world:
Doyu Mark Albin: Los Angeles & Japan
Dosho Simon Leon: United Kingdom
Ekei Andreas Zettl: Germany
Doho: Spain
Soryu Sylvia Dambrauskas: Seattle