The Language of Tomatoes
by Jodi & Steve Cable
September tells the story of the waning summer season in the language of tomatoes. This year there is a bowl of bright sweet yellow balls on the counter, with a few larger oval red and green ones laying to the side. The largest ones are still in the garden, still green, but the green is a lighter shade every day. Hope. The sigh of relief from the brown matted grass can be heard above the sound of rain showers — a September like this is a gentle let down. Purple plums and golden sugar balls.
The wood shed is full, couldn’t eat another stick of Pine, Fir or Alder. It burps, holds its swollen middle and daydreams about those tiny saplings spreading out under the rare spring light. The kiln will release their spirits in the winter, when the wood is burnt, in the middle of the night, while the flames lick up so high.
See Jodi and Steve’s recipe here: Garlic Sliders
See Jodi and Steve’s recipe here: Garlic Sliders