Blessings Lunch for Students of Organic Farm Training School, Greenbank Farm

contributed by Faith Wilder

6-bowl-student-lunchMarch 10 was the first day of the 2014 Organic Farm Training School year. Faith Wilder hosted a Six Bowls lunch to bless the students. This was an opportunity to introduce them to the convergence of earth, art and spirit which Whidbey manifests.

The 2014 Organic Farm Training students from New York, New Jersey, Georgia, California and Washington states with Inge Roberts’ nested Winnie and Friend bowl and Living Green totally Whidbey whole wheat bread…….. Judith Adams’ Pooh poem spoke of friends and cycles adding richly to the prayer offered for the nurture of the students and of the land. A simple lunch of Whidbey sourced foods included vegetable soup, bread with goat cheese and fresh butter with desert of apple/berry crisp. Being a March luncheon it was necessarily a combination of the fresh, the processed and the frozen. Some of the contributors were the Todd Peterson’s root cellar, Sue Ellen White’s gardeners’ kitchen, Little Brown Farm goats and Living Green ovens.

Taking this moment in the sparseness of March to celebrate Whidbey and honor the students was sweet as were the admonishments of the students to return with another bowl at summer solstice to celebrate the bounty the students will bring from the earth.

A new season of promise……..


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