Welton Thanksgiving

 by David Welton

Thanksgiving, 6 bowlsWe are grateful for the opportunity to participate in the 6 bowls project. We had the bowl at our house for the Thanksgiving Holiday 2013.Our daughter-in-law, Rannveig Aamodt of Norway had a serious rock climbing accident April 2012. She fell 50 feet. Fortunately there was no head or spinal cord trauma, but she had multiple compound fractures and complex injuries of her spine, pelvis, feet and elbow. She was in a wheelchair for 3 months, and healing was prolonged. She has done well.The bowl was used for salad at Thanksgiving. We shared private thoughts and feelings regarding our reactions, fears and concerns relating to the accident. She gave thanks for family support, and we all rejoiced for her recovery, and expressed hope for Nathan and Rannveig to have a long happy life together.

Attached are two photos, one of them at the Thanksgiving feast, with the salad bowl in front of them, the other on top of a much smaller rock at Possession Point.


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