Bowl Blessing Dinner

by Kim Tinuviel

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Poets Judith Walcutt and David Ossman

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Joni Takanikos, Carol Ann Bauer
and David Ossman

When Gloria Sherman at One Spirit Garden in Clinton first heard about the project, she said “We must have a blessing of the bowls before they go out into the community” and began organizing the event. The event was intended to celebrate the achievements of the ceramic and glass artists who created the six bowls at the center of the project, and to showcase the poets whose writings will accompany the bowls out into the community for the next year.

As each bowl was presented, a poet read the prepared piece for that bowl. After the presentations, a buffet meal was served, under the direction of Gloria Sherman and by several local chefs. Each dish was served in one of the Six Bowls.

After a lively dinner and inspiring conversation, Glo and Penny brought us all to the warm living room fire, where we all joined together to cast blessings, intentions and prayers, written that evening and by visitors to the garden through the preceding year, into the fire. A beautiful launch for a wonderful project – full of good wishes and blessings for all!

Thank you, Glo!


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