Every year I plant a garden. It is my hope that it will feed us and save money. Each year the garden looks different. We have moved a lot over the past four years, and every Spring we have been in a new place. Each place I carve out a space to plant. It means we will be there for a season, see our labors through and watch our food grow.
It is a good faith action on my part. It means I am settling my heart and energy into the soil, allowing myself to be at home for even just a little while. I have been blessed to be met by raised beds a few times, and my work has been easy. Other times I have had to carve away the grass, rocks and weeds to make my own space. This is hard work, but so worth it to see my herbs and veggies grow.
My heart is in the food I make for my family, even more so when it is with plants I have put into the soil and tended for the season. I will continue to plant a garden and with it myself, my dreams, and my heart